ADD - Causes and Diet

Parenting, good or bad does not cause Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).  A calm stable home may help ease some children, while a home with problems may lead to more frustration for a child with ADD/ADHD, but these are not the causes of ADD/ADHD.  

Studies show that ADD and ADHD are linked to genetics.  If a parent had ADD or ADHD the child has a seventy percent chance of also having it.  

Studies show that children who exhibit ADD and ADHD qualities do not have the proper nutrients for brain functioning.  Because the body is not receiving important nutrients, the brain can not perform properly.  Many children with ADD or ADHD have lower levels of amino acids and zinc.  Low levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs) also play a very important role in ADD/ADHD.  

Another possible factor that may contribute to ADD and ADHD is food allergies.  Take out highly allergenic foods and then watch your child's behaviour then add the foods back in to the diet.  Do this slowly - one food at a time every two weeks.  You may notice a behavior change when adding a certain food back into the diet.  This is how you can determine if a certain food or foods is causing ADD/ADHD symptoms.  Common allergy foods that lead to ADD/ADHD symptoms are chocolate, wheat, corn, eggs, sugar and milk.  

It is important to find the causes of ADD/ADHD.  Many professionals prefer other avenues than going straight to drugs for help.  If you can identify the main issue causing the ADD/ADHD then you can hopefully avoid the medications.  Drugs will not cure ADD/ADHD.  They may just help with the symptoms.  


We stated above that Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are very important to brain functioning.  There are low levels of EFAs in children with ADD/ADHD.  The brain cells need fat (Omega 3s-n which are EFAs) to function properly.  The only way to get this Omega 3 fat is through your diet or vitamins.  Good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids are tuna, shrimp and salmon.  Olive oil and walnut oil also provide the Omega 3 fats.  

Amino acids are a source of food for the brain.  They are a source of protein for the body and are essential for brain functioning.  You may want to include meat, soy, eggs, fish and dairy into your child's diet.  If you are vegetarian, try brown rice and beans, nuts and seeds.  

Along with the amino acids and EFAs, 'B' vitamins, zinc and phosphatidyl serine can be used to help with the symptoms of ADD/ADHD.  

If your child exhibits ADD/ADHD symptoms, remember to eliminate high allergy foods adding them back in slowly to find the possible culprit.  Also add in EFAs, amino acids, 'B' vitamins, zinc and phosphatidyl serine.  These steps may be the winning combination to help you avoid medication.


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